Florida Keys Wildlife Society

Florida Keys
Wildlife Society

Supporting the National Wildlife Refuges of the Florida Keys through education, non-adversarial advocacy, volunteerism and fundraising

Florida Keys Wildlife Society - Member
Florida Keys Wildlife Society - Donation
Florida Keys Wildlife Society - Volunteer

The National Key Deer Refuge

The National Key Deer Refuge was established in 1957 to protect and preserve in the national interest the Key deer and other wildlife resources in the Florida Keys. The Refuge is located in the lower Florida Keys and currently consists of approximately 9,200 acres of land that includes pine rockland forests, tropical hardwood hammocks, freshwater wetlands, salt marsh wetlands, and mangrove forests. It is home to 23 endangered and threatened plant and animal species and hundreds of others.  Wildlife dependent activities are allowed; these include saltwater fishing, wildlife observation and photography, interpretation, and environmental education.

Key deer are unique to the lower Florida Keys. They are perfectly adapted to living in the wild, they may, however, approach people looking for handouts; please help us keep them healthy and wild by not feeding them. Call FWC Dispatch to report a dead or seriously injured key deer at 305-470-6863.

Many volunteer opportunities are available to help conserve and protect our nations wildlife and teach thousands of visitors that their actions can make a difference. We have opportunities at the Nature Center; Blue Hole; leading birding and nature walks, bike rides and kayak tours; assisting biological researchers on Key deer, wading birds, habitat monitoring and butterfly research, RV work-camping and more.

If you have questions, the best place to start your visit is the Nature Center on Big Pine Key.

It is currently open 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday.  

The Nature Center is accessible to all, and staffed with volunteers and refuge personnel who can answer questions and provide information.  The Nature Center is also home to the Florida Keys Wildlife Society (Friends group for the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge) Nature Store, filled with nature-oriented books and gifts.  Proceeds directly benefit the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges.

National Key Deer Refuge (the Nature Center for all the Florida Keys NWRs)

30587 Overseas Highway
Big Pine Key, FL 33043

For more information, visit: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/National_Key_Deer_Refuge/

Access this easy to read tearsheet: Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges Complex Tearsheet 2023 | FWS.gov


THE NATIONAL KEY DEER REFUGE - Buck In Silver buttonwood by USFWS

Buck In Silver buttonwood by USFWS

THE NATIONAL KEY DEER REFUGE - Doe and Fawn by Mickey Foster

Doe and Fawn by Mickey Foster